2007-02-23 02:47:25 UTC
i'm italian and on 20th march i've to come to strasburgo for a sort of competition about some books...are there nobody who live there?
Trois réponses:
The Xav identity
2007-02-23 02:54:39 UTC
Si c'e' gente che vive a Strasburgo.

Pero io no...
2007-02-23 13:32:45 UTC
I know Strasbourg but my english is not good. Wat interest you: monument? good restaurants? I can answer you or giving adress.
La girafante
2007-02-23 06:38:01 UTC
You should try to find someone to host you on , it's really a good site!

Sorry Iive in nantes, about 900km far from strasbourg (it is strasbourg in french!), so i can't help!

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